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Trade Settlement APIs

Report a trade [deprecated]

Report a trade to the platform for a pair of accounts, on a given symbol. The trade report will cause collateral to be reserved for the counterparty accounts, and the exposures on each account to be updated. The trade will be recorded in the unsettled state.

Request method



symbolstringThe security identifier of the trade.
buyer_idstringThe account identifier of the buying account.
seller_idstringThe account identifier of the selling account.
qtynumberThe agreed quantity of the trade, from the buyer's perspective.
pricenumberThe agreed price of the trade.


tidnumberThe unique identifier of the trade.
createTimenumberA timestamp when the trade was created.
updateTimenumberA timestamp when the trade was last updated.
symbolstringThe security identifier of the trade.
buyer_account_idstringThe account identifier of the buying account.
seller_account_idstringThe account identifier of the selling account.
qtynumberThe agreed quantity of the trade, from the buyer's perspective.
pricenumberThe agreed price of the trade.

ts/fix/trades/report {"tradeReportId":"144396769585101347_C","transactTime":"20220322-14:19:07.520","trdSubType":"1","lastPx":"0.99470132","lastQty":"10000.0","symbol":"USDT/USD","side":2,"account":"JX10592DP","currency":"USDT"}

Report a trade

Report a trade to the platform for a pair of accounts, on a given symbol. The trade report will cause collateral to be reserved for the counterparty accounts, and the exposures on each account to be updated. The trade will be recorded in the unsettled state, but will be queued for automated settlement where possible.

This API endpoint should be called twice - once for each account. The Etana platform will match the two trade reports in order to confirm the accounting relationship and queue it for settlement.

Request method



tradeReportIdstringA unique client-side identifier for the trade
transactTimestringThe trade time in the form YYYYMMDD-HH:MM:SS.SSS
trdSubTypestring"1" for price taker (or client side), or "2" for price maker (or LP side)
lastPxstringThe price of the trade, in string form
lastQtystringThe amount of the trade, in string form
symbolstringThe symbol identifier for the traded pair
sidestringThe direction of the trade, "1" for buy, "2" for sell
accountstringThe account identifier for this counterparty
currencystringThe currency used to specify the amount of the trade


When the platform receives two matching trade reports, it will respond with an array of trades registered within the system, of the form described below.

tidnumberThe unique identifier of the trade.
createTimenumberA timestamp when the trade was created.
updateTimenumberA timestamp when the trade was last updated.
symbolstringThe security identifier of the trade.
buyer_account_idstringThe account identifier of the buying account.
seller_account_idstringThe account identifier of the selling account.
qtynumberThe agreed quantity of the trade, from the buyer's perspective.
pricenumberThe agreed price of the trade.